Best Western Hotel

Mystic, Connecticut

December 9 - 11, 1996

Proceedings of the Northeastern Mosquito Control Association, Inc

A Note from the Publications Committee

Officers 1996-1997 & Board of Directors

Presidential Address - Robert Kent, President NMCA

EEE Outbreak 1996: What Really Happened in Rhode Island?

Daniel Markowski, RI DEM Mosquito Abatement

Effects on EEE Risk Reduction Measures in Westerly, RI

Sean P. Healy, RI DEM Mosquito Abatement

Mutual Assistance by the Mass. Mosquito Control Program to Rhode Island 1996 to Combat an Outbreak of EEE

John Kenney, Chairman, MA State Reclamation & Mosquito Control Board

*EEE Surveillance in MA

Donald Buckley & Mary Tobin, Dept. of Public Health, Massachusetts

*EEE Surveillance in CT

Dr. Ted Andreadis, Chief Research Entomologist, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Arbovirus Surveillance in New York State 1996

Dr. John Howard, Dept of Health, NY

*EEE in Delaware

Chet Stachecki, Administrator for Delaware Mosquito Control Program

*Entomological and Epidemiological Aspects of a West Nile Virus Outbreak in Romania, 1996

Dr. Harry M. Savage, CDC Division of Vector Borne Infectious Diseases, Fort Collins, CO

Comparison of Puntative Epidemic Vector Populations in EEE Epidemic Case Sites in Southeastern, MA

Abelardo Moncayo, University of Mass., Amherst, MA

*EEE Panel Discussion

Dr. Ted Andreadis, CT Agricultural Experimental Station, New Haven

Dr. Barbara Werner, Dept. Of Public Health, MA

Dr. Harry Savage, CDC, Fort Collins, CO

Robert Kent, Mosquito Control Coordination, NJ

Dominick Ninivaggi, Suffolk County Mosquito Control, NY

Alan Gettman, RI Mosquito Abatement (moderator)

The Use of Ultra-sonic Technology in Variable Flow Pumping Systems

Carl Kutzner, General Manager, Beecomists Systems

*Care and Maintenance of Adulticide Gas Powered ULV Equipment

Willie Cox, Clarke Mosquito Control

Strategies of Adulticiding

Peter Connelly, Eastern Sales Rep., Cheminova Corp.

*Strategies of Larviciding

Joseph Fitzpatrick, Eastern Sales Rep., Abbott Labs

The Use of Insect Growth Regulators in Mosquito Larviciding

Jeff O'Neill, Eastern Sales Rep., Sandoz Labs

*Evaluation of Biodac as an Alternate Carrier for Abate Granular

Bill Jany, Market Development Manager, American Cyanamid

*Adult Surveillance and Larvae Collection Equipment

Mark Miller, President, American Biophysics

Aerial larviciding Salt Marshes within Essex County, MA - Round Two

Emily White, Essex County Mosquito Control Project, MA

Water Chestnuts and Culex Mosquitoes

Rosemarie Kelly & David Henley, East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project, Massachusetts

Gambusia affinis Effectiveness in New Jersey Mosquito Control

Robert Duryea, Entomologist, Warren County Mosquito Commission, NJ

Upland Transmission of an Alphavirus by Culiseta Melanura

Nicholas Komar & Andrew Spielman, Harvard School of Public Health

Erynia aquatica a Fungal Disease of Immature Mosquitoes Identified from a Woodland Pool in Bristol, RI

George Christie, Kingston, RI - 1995 - John J. McColgan Grant in Aid Award

Population Dynamics of Cq. peturbans and its Relevance to EEE Virus in New Jersey

Peter Bosak, Mosquito Research & Control, Rutgers UN., NJ - 1995 Daniel M Jobbins Scholarship Award

Partnership in Wetlands Restoration in Connecticut

Paul Capotosto, Wetlands Restoration Biologist, DEP Wildlife Division

Partnership in Wetlands Rehabilitation at the Milford Neck Focus Area

Roger Wolfe, Delaware DNREC, Div. of Fish & Wildlife, Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control Through Marsh Restoration in Portsmouth, Rhode Island

George Christie, Kingston, RI

Using GIS as a Tool in Reducing Mosquito Habitats in Salt Marshes

M.J. James-Pirri, RI Partnership for Infectious Disease Control

*Open Marsh Water Management (OPWM) Panel Discussion

Jan Taylor, USFWS

Paul Capotosto, CT DEM

Walter Montgomery, ECMCP, MA

Alan Getman, RI DEM

Bob Kent, NJ DEP

Dominick Ninivaggi, Suffolk County Mosquito Control, NY

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting

Financial Reports

Minutes of the 41st Annual Business Meeting

Past Presidents, Annual Meeting & Honory Association Members Listing

NMCA Annual Dues Form

NMCA Advertising Form for Program & Proceedings

*Denotes presentation without submission of article for publication