President Kent called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. In attendance were Paul Capotosto, Sarah MacGregor, David Boyes, Jack Card, Curtis Best, George Christie, Ray Zucker and Walter Montgomery.
Minutes of the previous meeting held in Hyannis, MA on October 5, 1995 were reviewed. Motion to accept were made by Paul Capotosto, seconded by Walter Montgomery, accepted.
Treasurer's Report:
David Boyes reported that the checking account is currently $15,314.64. Based on that figure the Association should clear $13,000 ($8,000 checking) ($5,000 CD) after the conference. David suggested that the Association has a way to go before increasing the scholarship to $ 1,000. David will supply a complete breakdown on expenses for the Association after the meeting. Motion to accept the Treasurer's report was made by Curtis Best, seconded by Paul Capotosto, accepted.
Committee Reports:
By-Laws: Chairman Paul Capotosto stated that any changes should be addressed at the annual business meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today.
Chairman Sarah MacGregor reported that the prices for the proceedings this year were 125 at $819.35 and 150 programs at $204.15. Sarah commented that last year's proceedings totaled 61 pages, an easier reading format and for the first time advertisements were included. George Christie commented that the Association Newsletter obtained its goal for the 1/4 year. He encouraged all Board Members to send information to him. The database for the membership should be available sometime in February. President Kent congratulated the Committee for its work on all publications.
Chairman Paul Capotosto thanked all for their input and participation. Paul discussed two last minute changes, adding John Edman and Jere Downing to the Program. President Kent discussed with the Board the possibility of sending copies of the proceedings to AMCA. President Kent suggested that Paul and Sarah co-write a letter to the appropriate AMCA Committee on this matter. Paul Capotosto also discussed plans for a silent auction with winners announced during the Banquet Tuesday night.
Chairman Paul Capotosto gave the report of the Scholarship Committee. There were three applicants for the $500 Daniel M. Jobbins Scholarship (Peter Bosak, Shawn Healy and Abelardo Moncayo) and two applicants for the $500 John J. McColgan Grant in aide (George Christie and Abelardo Moncayo). After discussion and based on Committee recommendations Sarah MacGregor motioned that Peter Bosak to be the Jobbins recipient and George Christie to be the McGolgan recipient, seconded by Jack Card,. accepted. George Christie abstained. Peter, who is with the Entomology Department at Rutgers University has been doing research on overwintering Coquillettidia perturbans instars and their correlation to adult populations, dynamics and relevance to EE virus in New Jersey. George, who is owner of Christie Pest Control in Rhode Island, has been doing research on locating and identifying a killer pathogen, probably fungus, appearing in Bristol, Rhode Island.
President Kent reported that the Committee would discuss the agenda at the Business Meeting at 4:00 p.m. today (November 13, 1995).
Chairman Sarah MacGregor (see report and figures enclosed).
Old Business:
President Kent discussed the Annual Business Meeting and Banquet Agenda.
New Business:
Site for 1996. Paul Capotosto notified the Board that both he and Wally Terrill have had conversations with the Best Western Hotel in Mystic, Connecticut for the 1996 Meeting. Paul's information from the Hotel included rooms for $45 a night, including a breakfast buffet and banquet prices of $23 for a prime rib buffet. After discussion, President Kent scheduled the next Executive Board Meeting to be held Thursday, January 18, 1996 in Mystic, Connecticut at 10:00 a.m. at the Best Western Hotel. The Board discussed possible future sites for the 1997 meetings in Massachusetts, Sturbridge, Plymouth and Pittsfield.
Motion to adjourn was made by Curtis Best, seconded by Sarah MacGregor. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Raymond D. Zucker