President Kent called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. with 29 members present. Previous meeting minutes were distributed and reviewed. David Colbum motioned to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Ken Ludlam, accepted.
Secretary Zucker read 3 letters to the membership: 1) a thank you letter for a contribution in memory of Ed Kutzner (Beecomist) to the Evangelical Alliance Mission; 2) a letter from President Kent to the Honorable Robert A. Durand, Senate Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources and Agriculture, Boston, MA expressing the Associations support for Senate Bill # 1833 concerning the establishment of both continuity and consistency in the State's Mosquito and Greenhead Fly Control Programs; 3) a letter from President Kent to Martin Chomsky, Superintendent, Monmouth County Mosquito Commission, New Jersey congratulating his staff for the identification of Aedes albopictus, the Asian Tiger Mosquito in their County.
Treasurer's Report:
David Boyes reported that as of November, 1995 the Association finances are as follows:
Checking Account $15,314.64
CD $5,000.00
Based on that figure the Association should clear $13,000 ($8,000 checking) ($5,000 CD) after the conference. David suggested that the Association has a way to go before increasing the Scholarship and Grant-In-Aid to $ 1,000 each and an improvement on finances after suffering $27,000 in back taxes. Art Doty, commented on a printed Treasurer's Report and David said that he would gladly put something together for the Newsletter. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report was made by Ken Ludlam, seconded by Paul Capotosto, accepted.
Committee Reports:
Chairman Sarah MacGregor reported that all monies received from November 1, 1994 to October 3, 1995 by Treasurer David Boyes were found to have been entered and deposited and properly authorized.
Sarah MacGregor reported on 16 pages in last year's Proceedings. 125 Copies were printed and advertisements were included for the first time.
George Christie commented on the support given to him in improving the Associations Newsletter. President Kent thanked George for his time and effort.
Paul Capotosto expressed thanks to all speakers and to all who helped in putting together this year's program.
President Kent turned the podium over to Secretary Zucker who presented the nominations as voted by the Executive Board (open position):
Alan Gettman - 3 years, Board of Directors Dave Colburn closed nominations, seconded by Ken Ludlam. Secretary cast vote - nominations accepted.
President: Robert Kent
1st Vice President: Paul Capotosto
2nd Vice President: Sarah MacGregor
Secretary: Raymond D. Zucker
Treasurer: David Boyes
Board of Directors:
One Year: Jack Card
Two Years: George D. Christie
Three Years: Alan Gettman
Past President: Walter G. Montgomery
President Kent thanked Curtis Best for his three years as a Board of Director.
Paul Capotosto reported that the Executive Board voted to offer a $500 Daniel M. Jobbins Scholarship this year and it will be presented to Peter Bosak (Entomology Department, Rutgers University) who has been doing research on overwintering Coquillettidia perturbans instars and their correlation to adult populations, dynamics and relevance to EE virus in New Jersey.
The $500 John J. McColgan Grant In Aide was given to George Christie (Christie Pest Control, Rhode Island). George has been doing research on locating and identifying a killer pathogen, probable fungus, appearing in Bristol, Rhode Island.
New Business:
David Scott brought attention to the Association on registration fees and asked the Executive Board to review this matter toward workers, possibly a one-day fee. Oscar Doane commented that 20 people from Cod Cod Mosquito Control could not come and his Commissioners voted not to attend because of exuberant fees. President Kent asked the membership to contact anyone on the Board of this matter. John Smith suggested a questionnaire on this subject be incorporated into the Newsletter in late January. Walter Montgomery commented on looking into other Associations one-day sessions, $50 is not a lot of money considering credits are obtained by all States for pesticide recertification.
Two motions were presented to the membership by Jeffrey O'Neill: 1) to amend by-laws to created a one-day $10 fee instituted immediately, seconded by Oscar Doane, unfavorable vote; 2) change motion to $20 dues, $10 daily fee. After discussion the motion was withdrawn. Walter Montgomery motioned to incorporate the fee structure into a questionnaire format in the Spring NMCA Newsletter. After discussion, the motion was seconded by Jon Turmel. Oscar Doane wanted to be put on record as being opposed, motion accepted.
Site for 1996:
Paul Capotosto informed the membership that both he and Wally Terrill have been looking at the Best Western Hotel in Mystic, Connecticut for the 1996 meeting. The hotel has been recently renovated with room costs of $45 a night compared to the Mystic Hilton at $85 a night. A tentative date of the meeting would be December 8 - 11, 1996. A final decision would be made in mid-January by the Executive Board at the hotel. Wally Terrill commented that no other meetings would conflict with the December, 1996 dates.
Motion to adjourn was made by David Colbum, seconded by Paul Capotosto. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Raymond D. Zucker, Secretary