Northeastern Mosquito Control Association, Inc.

Membership information

Registration at any annual meeting includes the $30.00 dues. If you would like to send in dues at any other time, please download and mail one of these forms:

Individual: NMCA Annual Dues Form

Agency/Business: NMCA Annual Dues Form 2

Note: these forms are in .pdf format; if you would like one faxed or mailed to you please send an e-mail to

For information on membership, download our brochure: NMCA 2020 membership brochure (2 pages)



NEW: The New Jersey Mosquito Control Association and the Northern Mosquito Control Association is excited to announce the introduction of the Young Professionals Committee! If you have been a member of NJMCA or NMCA for no more than 5 years and/or are a student with an interest medical entomology, mosquito control/industry employees, research scientists/post docs in government/private institutions for less than 10 consecutive years, you qualify to become a YP!


The Young Professionals group goal is to promote interaction between new and well-seasoned professionals and to increase student/young professional activities within the Mosquito community!


To sign up, click this link: NE Young Professional Group


Questions/Concerns/Comments/Suggestions? Email Aaron Toth,, or Jessica Keen at




Membership Benefits

1.     Subscription to the NMCA quarterly newsletter, the Northeaster

2.     Access to the NMCA archives (Proceedings, photos, newsletters, minutes of meetings, etc.)

3.     Join the NMCA list serv, nmca-l

4.     Participate in our annual meeting

5.     Network with nearly 250 members and share ideas, problems and information!!

You must be a member to enjoy these benefits – join today!! If you are already a member and need access, or want to check your membership status, please e-mail for more information.