The David H. Colburn Award

The NMCA Executive Board is proud to announce a new award, the David H. Colburn Award for dedicated service in mosquito control.


This Award can be granted to 1 or 2 people a year from each member agency or organization meeting the following criteria:


Over 20 years total, either consecutive or cumulative, in any phase of mosquito control. Administrators, field & office staff, Commissioners, etc. are all eligible for the Colburn Award. The nominee should be a member in good standing of NMCA for the past 2 years to be considered.


Plaques with the recipient’s name will be awarded at the NMCA Annual Meeting during the President’s Reception. If your nominee is unable to attend to accept the award at the meeting, please designate someone to accept on his/her behalf. Please submit the application by Nov. 1 of the year’s application to:


Charles Lubelczyk, NMCA PRESIDENT

MaineHealth Institute for research, Scarborough, ME 04073

TEL: (207) 396-8246