award may be given annually or only at those
times when the Awards Committee and the Executive Board deem
appropriate. The Award should
maintain the same standards
of quality that David personified.
award is dedicated to the
recognition of the fact that many advancements in our work come from the
rank-and-file……the worker….the field person,
as a result
of their time spent on the job,
their experience and common sense. It may acknowledge an improvement in a procedure,
a practice, any of the many operational strategies that we perform in mosquito
control on a day-to-day basis.
There are no minimum
qualifications of educational level,
seniority, title, position or rank. Nominations
are to be put forward by a Supervisor
for a member of his/her own staff to the Chair of the Scholarship/Awards
Criteria worthy of nomination
may include, but are not limited to:
- Improvement of a water management strategy
- Development of a tool or mechanical device that improves existing
- Excellence in field surveillance
or resolution to a chronic mosquito population problem
- Noteworthy leadership
as a mosquito
control employee or Association member (i.e. extended service as
a dedicated participant in annual NMCA conferences
or some in-state or regional committee which addresses operational field issues)
- Resolution
of a mosquito control issue
that would ordinarily be considered
above and beyond the responsibility or credentials
of the worker who resolved it
Nominations should
be one page or less and will be considered
by the Scholarship/Awards Committee qualitatively not quantitatively.
Please submit all nominations by November
1 of the year’s application to:
Charles Lubelczyk, NMCA PRESIDENT
MaineHealth Institute for research, Scarborough,
ME 04073
TEL: (207) 396-8246
E-MAIL: president@nmca.org