
NMCA is a non-profit, educational organization of nearly 250 mosquito research and control professionals from New England, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


Our objectives are; to promote the efficiency of mosquito abatement and related activities, through the encouragement of research, development of procedure, and the interchange of information; to circulate among its members and other interested parties pertinent knowledge relative to mosquito abatement and related subjects, and; to encourage field trips and meetings of its members.


Membership is open to anyone interested in mosquito biology, mosquito-borne diseases or the control of mosquitoes. Please check the membership link to the left for more information.




Copyright © 1996-2015 ¨ NMCA       


« mosquito control for health and comfort «

AMCA Sustaining Member

EPA Partner PESP

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Text Box: Scholarship & Awards
Text Box: Events & News
Text Box: Mosquito info
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Text Box: Membership info
Text Box: Annual Meeting
Text Box: Contact us